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  • Jun 2020

    Die (digitale) Arbeitsgesellschaft nach der Corona-Pandemie - pdf | 776 KB

    Robert Kappius, Michael Schönstein

    Angesichts der folgenschweren Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft hat sich die Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft im BMAS im Sommer 2020 im Rahmen eines Foresight-Projektes mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, welche Folgen für heimische Wirtschaftsstrukturen und die internationale Arbeitsteilung, für die digitale Transformation sowie im Hinblick auf die Einstellungen der Bürger*innen zukünftig denkbar sind.

    Working Paper

    Arbeitsgesellschaft 2040

  • Okt 2019

    AI and Domain Knowledge: Implications of the Limits of Statistical Inference - pdf | 1 MB

    • Drafted by Christopher Eldred
    • Based on presentations by Michael Borrus and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
    • Significant editorial contributions from John Zysman and Mark Nitzberg

    Policy Brief

    Künstliche Intelligenz

  • Jan 2019

    Beyond Hype and Despair: Developing Healthy Communities in the Era of Intelligent Tools - pdf | 2 MB

    John Zysman, Martin Kenney, Laura Tyson

    There is much we do not know and cannot know about the socioeconomic impacts of intelligent machines. The impacts will be driven by business strategies that differ by sector and country. “Good jobs” strategies are possible. It is important to identify and strengthen the factors, including policies, that encourage them. Demographics will certainly affect the outcomes. Powerfully and importantly, the narratives about the benefits and costs of the technologies will affect the speed and breadth of the deployment of intelligent tools.

    Policy Brief

    Künstliche Intelligenz

  • Jun 2018

    Work in the digital age: Challenges of the fourth industrial revolution - pdf | 380 KB

    Michael Schönstein,  Sven Rahner

    The authors discuss challenges to the German model of coordinated market economy. They look at the increasing dichotomy between jobs and income, the conflict between humans and machines and between work and leisure and address policy options to resolve these conflicts. The article is part of a larger volume comparing practices and discourses in Europe through a series of country-specific case studies.

    Working Paper

    Arbeitsgesellschaft 2040